
Frequently Asked Questions

Is Elm Community Charter School tuition free?

Yes! Elm is a free, open enrollment charter school. Elm’s academic program is tuition free and Elm provides breakfast, snack, and hot lunch for all students at no cost to families.

Where is Elm located?

Elm’s new and forever home is now located at 79-17 51st Ave, Elmhurst NY 11373.

What grades does Elm Community Charter School have?

For the 2023-24 school year and beyond we will have grades K-5. All students that are offered a seat at Elm will have the option to stay with us through 5th grade. For more information, visit our Academic Program page.

What's the average class size at Elm?

The average class size is 25-28 students per class, with two teachers per class. However, the schedule is created so learners spend 3+ hours a day in small groups of 15 learners or less.

When are the first and last days of Elm’s Academic Calendar?

Our tentative first day of our 2023-24 school year is August 28th, 2023 and the last day is June 21st, 2024.

What are Elm’s school hours?

Elm’s school hours are 7:45 am- 3:30 pm. We have early dismissal every Wednesday at 12:30 pm and our doors open at 7:15 am for students interested in school breakfast. For more information, visit our Day-In-The-Life page.

Does Elm have an after school program?

Elm partners with Decidedly Different Events Arts Program which is held Monday through Friday. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays the program runs from 3:30pm – 6pm. On Wednesday’s, the program runs from 12:30pm – 4pm. The program has limited seats and is free for our families! Once we reach the capacity for the program, there will be an option for families to pay a small fee of $25 to enroll their child into the program.

When will I know if I qualify for yellow bus transportation service?

Bussing is coordinated by the NYC Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT), just like in public schools. Student eligibility is based on the distance between a student’s home and the school. OPT does not release this information to schools until early August. Historically, learners in Elmhurst / Corona have been serviced by this free transportation service. For more information, check out our Where to Find Us page.

Does Elm require students to wear a school uniform?

At Elm we do not require students to wear a school uniform, but expect each student to follow certain dress code guidelines. For more information, review our Elm Handbook.

How do I register to join the Elm Community?

To register please visit our Apply page. “

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